Preventative and General Articles

While British naval captain James Cook was navigating and exploring the Pacific Ocean, this midpoint of the Age of ...

Bad Breath: How Your Dentist Can Put An End To Halitosis
Adam and Eve lay together naked in the Garden of Eden. They were discussing the impacts of neoliberal economic ...

How to take care of your toothbrush
Brushing our teeth is such a normal part of our daily routine that we barely spare a second thought for our toothbrushes. For all the...

Why Is Sugar Bad For Your Teeth?
As a child, you were likely warned not to eat sweets because they were bad for your teeth, but did you ever stop to think why? Though sugar...

What Toothbrush Should I Use?
When we think of our oral hygiene routine it often begins with a toothbrush. Let us be honest, for some, flossing and mouthwash...